
Welcome to my Site. I document my work in studio and on location throughout the world. Thank you for your interest.

1.2 Your Art Studio

Let’s get set up!

You can make art anywhere and with anything! From mashed potatoes and rocks on the beach...it’s about the joy of play and exploration.
— EMcGee

I encourage you to think about a place to set up your own art studio. Put down a old sheet or painting tarp in a 4 x 4 foot corner of a room. Set up a table or some collapsible TV trays. Find a lamp, and a chair…now you have your art studio! It’s important to have a space that you don’t always have to set up and clean up. It is YOUR space! No one else can step foot on the 4 x 4 feet of cloth! Add a radio, a plant, and set up your art supplies in small boxes and jars.

1.1 Welcome to my Art Studio!

1.3 Material List